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Wyndham’s Weerama Festival turns 40


Founded in 1978 when the Keep Australia Beautiful Committee merged with Council to form a dedicated Festival Committee, the Weerama Festival has long been a staple of Werribee’s cultural calendar, and is now ready to celebrate life at 40 years young.

From modest beginnings to Wyndham’s largest community event, each year the festival involves a myriad of community groups, service clubs and sporting organisations, not to mention local businesses, residents and performers, all coming together to celebrate and showcase the West’s local culture and creativity.

The Weerama Festival is happening Sunday March 18th from 10am and includes the iconic Watton St Weerama Parade (from 11am-12pm), along with food trucks, amusement rides, market stalls, family activities, music and more. Backed by a host of sponsors, its 40th is sure to be warmly celebrated by the Werribee community and those from all over the west.

Applications to be a stall holder or volunteer are still open, so if you want to get involved then visit the Weerama Festival website or Facebook page and get ready for the party!