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ART SPACE celebrates diversity and culture


One of the best-known ways of channelling the energies of youth is through the exploration of creative expression. If we can give form to the things that inspire or concern us, we’re much better placed to understand and act in empowering ways.

Organised by Brett Bowen of Wyndham City council, Art Space is a collaborative art project operating from the Youth Resource Centre activity room in Hoppers Crossing. Encouraging participants to experiment with painting, graffiti, drawing and poetry, the themes of culture and diversity are explored and celebrated.

The project is open to anyone living, working or studying in Wyndham between the ages of 12 and 25, with the desired end of everything culminating in an art exhibition and auction for charity.

It’s projects such as this that really do seek to connect the passions and talents of youth with tangible, beneficial outcomes for the betterment of both the individual and the larger community. So if you know - or are - someone who has felt the stirrings of the creative forces within, do check out this fantastic initiative.

Art Space is happening Monday June 18 and Monday June 25, from 3pm to 6pm at the Youth Resource Centre, 86 Derrimut Road Hoppers Crossing. Participation is free. For more information, email or call 8375 2346 and get involved!